This is a modest training for our co-leaders—mostly an opportunity to check the pulse of DC groups after DC101 as they prepare to go into DC201. In addition, we want to celebrate the small victory of completing DC101.
Typically, the timing is a few weeks into their “semester break” between DC101 and DC201. During this time, they should have a service project, a mid-break meeting (to talk about the first half of Jeremiah), and a social (perhaps with spouses).
Key topics:
- Challenge them to reflect on ways to improve—how to exhort individual DC’ers, and in particular, how to revisit and refresh the “culture” of the group—on “time management”, “class participation”, memory verses, contact with DC’ers outside of meetings, preparation, attendance, tardiness, etc. The biggest challenges are typically time management and getting everyone to participate evenly. If they need to make changes, they should make explicit plans to address the problems, set goals, re-address the issue in-class as useful, and so on. If co-leaders don’t deal with it effectively at this point, they’ll find it increasingly difficult to do so.
- Note the emphasis on prayer in DC201/202. Encourage them to stretch themselves and their DC’ers. And remind them to preserve confidentiality appropriately.
- As time permits, ask them to share their coolest moments, any surprises, and any notable efforts to innovate/experiment.